Upcoming events.

Night in Bethlehem
We're so excited to bring the story of Jesus' birth to life for your family and friends! Step back in time and visit the little town of Bethlehem. Join us for an open house style event and come visit interactive tents with crafts, food and more. Come say hello to the animals-you won't want to miss visiting with Goliath, the camel! See a live performance of the Christmas story. Finish your evening with cookies, a hot chocolate bar to dazzle your drink, Christmas music, and a stop at our Photo Booth! Don't miss this special FREE event!

Christmas Concert
JKPC will present a special Christmas program featuring the multi-talented musicians of the John Knox family in the Sanctuary. Concert will include performances by the Chancel Choir, Bell Choir, Flute Ensemble, and other small ensembles from our talented musicians. Join us in person or online. Reception will follow in Trinity Hall.

Evening of Remembrance
Our beautiful and reflective Evening of Remembrance will be on Tuesday, December 3, at 7:00 PM. This is an evening for members of our John Knox congregation and the community whom have lost loved ones in past years. More and more members and friends of our John Knox Church have discovered this service to be a most meaningful remembrance of their loved ones and an appropriate beginning for the Advent Season. This very special meditative evening in the Sanctuary involves a candle lighting service, music, readings, and a meditation. Please contact the church office to give the name of your loved one being honored at info@johnknoxpc.org or 440-777-3744.

Pancakes & Pajamas
Wear your pajamas and join us for delicious pancakes for dinner in Trinity Hall. We’ll be flipping plain, blueberry, and chocolate chip pancakes for you, your friends, and family. After dinner, stay and enjoy making a family advent craft together!

The 6 Periods of Organ Music Concert
Join Craig Galinski in the Sanctuary as he performs The 6 Periods of Organ Music. A light reception will follow in the Gallery.

Brand New Hat Concert
Sunday, October 20, at 4:00 PM in the Sanctuary with a reception to follow in the Gallery:
Brand New Hat presented by the popular northern Ohio quartet consisting of Dan McMillan (lead guitar, vocals), Dave Kennard (banjo, harmonica, vocals), John Hansen (bass, harmonica, vocals) and Roland Kausen (mandolin, vocals). They have been playing together for more than 20 years. Their music is a blend, drawing from the roots of bluegrass, traditional, folk and contemporary stylings. This upbeat band brings a fresh style, hot playing, tight vocals and a unique interpretation to familiar songs as well as featuring numerous original compositions.

Sermon Discussion Group
Join Rev. Oommen Thomas as he discusses the day's sermon more in depth. Meeting will be held in the Lounge.

Women In History - Stagecoach Mary
Be the Bridge is excited to introduce you to Mary Fields aka: Stagecoach Mary. Her story is interesting, exciting and full of surprises. Plan now to join us in the Sanctuary at 11:30 AM Sunday, October 13, to meet this important figure in history. A light lunch will be served following the performance. Your RSVP would help us plan appropriately. Click Here to Register

Halloween Dance Party
Everyone is invited to the Thrive! Family Ministries Halloween Dance Party on Friday, October 11, from 6:30-8:30 PM in Trinity Hall. Costume parade, cookie decorating, dancing, and more!

Women's Small Group & Social Outing
Women’s Small Group will continue Tuesday, October 8, from 7:00-8:00 PM in the Lounge. The group will continue to meet monthly on the second Tuesday. No homework. No sign up. No stress. No pressure.
Ladies, please join us for Women's Small Group on Tuesday, October 8, then young women will plan to go out after for drinks and dessert at BJ’s in North Olmsted to connect and get to know one another. We will enjoy the spiritual connection at Sally's small group and then continue the fun and connection with an outing after. Questions? Contact Susanne at sbendoraitis@johnknoxpc.org.

Second Hour Experience - Fall Hike
Join us on Sunday, October 6, for a hike around the beautiful hiking trail at the Renaissance Retirement Campus at 26376 John Rd in Olmsted Falls. Hike starts at 12:00 PM. We will meet in front of the main entrance building. Hike will be led by the Knowltons (Bruce and Laurie).

Noah's Pudding
Our friends from NOICA are bringing Noah’s Pudding (Ashura) for us again this year. If you did not sample this sweet treat last year you will want to make certain you do this year. Plan to join us in Trinity Hall during Coffee Hour on Sunday, September 22, to experience this sweet treat that symbolizes joy, unity, and diversity. Click below for more information on the background of Ashura.

Hymn Sing
On Friday, September 20, Jim Traxler and Craig Galinski will be leading a Hymn Sing in the John Knox Presbyterian Sanctuary at 7:00 PM. Jim will be sharing a little background on each hymn, as well as a brief history of hymnody. From “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” to “I Danced in the Morning," we will sing the great hymns from the last five centuries, learn how they came to be, and their importance in expressing our faith. A light reception will follow in the Gallery.

Mental Health Series - Preparing For Back to School
The start of another school year is quickly approaching and our children will be starting new grade levels, new teachers and new routines. While this is an exciting time, it can also be a very stressful time. We are excited to introduce Dr. Tony DiBiasio as our next speaker in our mental health series on Sunday, August 11, at 11:15 AM in Trinity Hall. Tony was an elementary school counselor in the Fairview school district for 35 years as well as a private therapist for 30 years working with children, adolescents and their families. He is currently an adjunct professor in the Psychology Department at Baldwin Wallace. Tony will talk about ways to start the school year positively, strategies for dealing with anxiety, and setting our children up for success. All are welcome!
Lite snacks and childcare will be provided. Please sign up if you plan to attend and let us know if childcare will be needed. Can’t wait to see you there! Registration Link

VBS 2024 SCUBA: Diving Into Friendship with God
VBS is Monday, June 24-27. It will be in the evening from 5:30 -7:30 PM. A light dinner will be served. The theme is SCUBA: Diving into Friendship with God. We will be under the sea for 4 days exploring what it means to be a friend of God. Click here to register!

Being a Welcoming Church
The challenges our brothers and sisters from the LGBTQ+ community face are real and heartbreaking. Many are ostracized from their families and churches. We are called to welcome them. Join us on Sunday, May 5, following worship as Be the Bridge, with the support of Session and the Mission Committee, hosts a program designed to help us live into being a “Welcoming Church.” The program will offer a panel of speakers from PFLAG, a national organization focused on creating a caring, just and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them. The program will provide a history of PFLAG, stories from the LGBTQ+ community and a Q&A session. A light lunch will be available so please RSVP by clicking on this link: Registration

Abrahamic Dinner
Please plan to attend our Annual Abrahamic Traditions Dinner on Thursday, May 2, at 6:30 PM in Trinity Hall.
There will be a featured speaker from each faith community as well as opportunity to strengthen our greater community by building friendships across faith traditions. Be the Bridge is coordinating the event with our friends from NOICA who will provide the meal. Vegetarian options will be available. When food is involved, registration is a must. Just click on this link now to RSVP: https://form.jotform.com/240617561560050

Honors Brunch
Spring is here and it's time once again for the Honors Brunch! If you are 80 years old or better, mark your calendars for Sunday, April 28, at 11:00 AM. The Deacons are inviting you to come and enjoy food and fellowship in Trinity Hall. We hope to see you there!

Men's Retreat
We are excited to announce we’re having our Men’s retreat starting on Friday April 26th and going through Saturday April 27th. As before, we will be having the event at Beulah Beach just west of downtown Vermillion along the shores of Lake Erie. During the retreat we will be enjoying Christian fellowship, stimulating programming led by Pastor Tom and others, taking a deeper dive into God’s Grace, as well as reviewing some of Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Living. All that have attended past retreats have enjoyed time for group and quiet reflection, and the ability to rest and relax before re-engaging the world. We will be starting the weekend with a dinner (Dutch treat) at Quaker Steak and Lube (5150 Liberty Ave, Vermilion, OH 44089) on Friday at ~5:00 pm. After dinner we will head over to Beulah Beach (6101 W. Lake Rd. Vermilion, OH 44089) where we will unpack and have our first program. Additional programming will be held on Saturday. The event will end between 8:30-9:00 pm Saturday allowing us to return home for Saturday evening. The cost for the weekend will be $90, covering the overnight stay (in cozy cabins) and 3 meals on Saturday. You are welcome to bring a snack to share during the weekend event. If the cost puts an undue hardship on attendees, we will make scholarships available. RSVP to the Church Office (440-777-3744), or Welcome Desk sign up list. Questions? Bruce Knowlton (brucek2080@gmail.com) or Bruce Steinetz (bruce.m.steinetz@nasa.gov) or Pastor Tom .

NOICA - Cooking Club
Plan to join us on Thursday, April 25, at 6pm in Trinity Hall as our friends from NOICA teach us more about their traditions; participate in the preparation of tasty recipes and, of course, enjoy the fruits of our labor. Reservations are a must so our friends know how much food is needed. You can reserve your spot now by contacting Connie Smith at connie928smith@gmail.com.
Don’t wait there are only 20 seats available.

Mental Health Session
Rev. Lois Annich is a teaching elder in the Presbytery of the Western Reserve, Pastoral Counselor and Executive Leadership Coach. Please join us in welcoming her on April 21 at 11:15 AM in Trinity Hall. She will be speaking about the importance of open-hearted sharing, safe communal spaces, and compassion for others and ourselves. We are excited for her to follow up with future presentations on other important aspects of mental health- so stay tuned!

Rise Against Hunger
If you have ever packaged meals for Rise Against Hunger, you know what a fun and rewarding event this is. Mark your calendar for Sunday, April 14. There will be a light lunch for the workers in Fellowship Hall at 11:15 AM and we will begin packaging 10,000 meals at 11:45 AM. This is an intergenerational event that needs 40-60 volunteers. We need people with muscles to lift 50 lbs., young legs that can walk/run to the weigh stations and people comfortable in sitting to weigh and seal the bags. Please sign-up at the Welcome Desk. Why do we pack the meals? Wherever there are people facing hunger, Rise Against Hunger is there. In 2022, Rise Against Hunger distributed 67.6 million meals serving 38 countries and impacting 4,489,000 lives!

Book Session with Bruce Reyes-Chow
A better story of faith exists, and it has the capacity to heal the world-if we only embrace, articulate, and live it more courageously.

Easter Pancake Breakfast
Join us between the 9AM and 11AM Easter services for a pancake breakfast in Trinity Hall.

God In Real Life - Music and the Sacred with the Slowiks
Join us after church in the Sanctuary for Music and the Sacred with the Slowiks. Come and learn from Vicky and Peter as they share their passion for God and music.

Kids Fun Fest Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, March 23 is the Easter Egg Hunt Kids Fun Fest at John Knox! Join in on the fun with an Easter egg hunt for kids, games, crafts, refreshments and more! The fun starts at 11 AM with the Easter Egg Hunt at 11:30 AM!

New Member Class
There will be a New Member Class on Tuesday, March 19, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Lounge. Dinner will be served, and childcare will be available. If you are interested in becoming a member of John Knox Presbyterian Church, please contact Bruce Knowlton at brucek2080@gmail.com.

God In Real Life - Lynn and the Eclipse
Sunday, March 10, join us after church in Fellowship Hall for Lynn and The Eclipse. Come learn with NASA Scientist, Lynn Bondurant, about how you can see the coming total eclipse and think about your place in God’s Universe.

John Knox Performance Series
On Sunday, March 3, at 4:00 PM in Trinity Hall, we will welcome Dennis and Dee Rundle, the creators of Rundle Singing Hands. This is a high-energy and unique program. The Rundles perform uplifting, positive, fun songs to pre-recorded music, using props, elaborate costumes, choreography, and sign language. The audience will be able to hear the words and music of favorite songs while enjoying the beauty and creativity of sign language. Audience sing-along adds to the fun. A reception will follow the concert.

God In Real Life - Be the Bridge Book Reviews
You are invited to join us after worship in Room 108/109 for Be the Bridge Book Reviews. Come and expand your understanding of loving our neighbor.