Caregiving Ministries
We are called to build authentic community.
Building community includes caring for one another during times that are hard, accompanying one another as we have questions and caring for those who are ill or in need. As part of building authentic community, we care for one another. Whether you are in need of care or want to care for others, we have several ministry opportunities at John Knox.
Deacon Ministry: Loving through Serving
Deacons serve our congregation through hospitality, outreach and caregiving. Deacons are part of the leadership of JKPC, ordained and called just like teaching elders and ruling elders. Just as we need leaders who make decisions and help us live out our vision, Deacons are leaders who help us care for our congregation through ministries of hospitality, outreach and caregiving. The ministry of deacons is wide - including organizing coffee hour, finding greeters, sending care packages to college students, and caring for homebound members.
Stephen Ministry: Loving through Listening
Stephen Ministers offer caring Christian friendship and concerned listening to people when they need it most. Stephen Ministers are lay caring ministers who are not counselors or therapists; rather, they are caring Christian friends who can offer a listening ear to help others through the tough times of life.
This one-to-one ministry offers consistent support and on-going presence to those who are dealing with transitions, loss or a particular crisis. Stephen Ministers receive 50 hours of training and then are supervised monthly as they serve. Requests for this type of assistance are welcome from members or friends of members. If you are interested in having a Stephen Minister, please fill out the form on this page. If you are interested in receiving training to serve as a Stephen Minister please contact the office by using the link at the bottom of the page.
Healing Prayer: Loving through Praying
We believe in the importance and power of prayer. It is through prayer that we remain connected to our Creator. We are committed to supporting a culture of personal, as well as communal prayer, through which we draw closer to God, actively pray for one another, and conscientiously seek God’s will before individually or collectively making decisions and taking action.
Through prayer we communicate directly with God and invite God to be present in our lives in ways that bring healing and peace. However, sometimes we are unable to pray for ourselves or struggle to connect with God through prayer. For this reason, we have those that would be open to praying for you or with you. Use the form on this page to let us know how we can pray for you.
Hospital Visits and Prayer List
Getting sick, hurt, or having to go the hospital, even for something small, can be overwhelming, lonely, or scary - or all three! We believe that you, or someone you know, does not need to go through this alone. If you or a loved one are in the hospital and would like a call or visit, please contact the office (by using the link at the bottom) or the form on this page to let us know how we can help accompany through a visit, call, or by adding you to our prayer list.
Need Prayer?
Click here to ask for prayer or express a need from a caregiver or listening ear.