Go Out in Faith
For the past several months, Session has been on a path of discernment - seeking to understand what God is calling us to be and what actions we need to take to respond to that calling. We are seeking to embody the great commission of Jesus – to go out in faith as God directs us and serve our community and our world. As our mission statement says, we are called together to discover, rejoice and share Christ with each other and the world.
A Faith that Moves and Gives
Our theme this year is Adventuring with God: A Faith that Moves. Our faith moves when we address a pressing need; when we refuse to stand by watching and instead get involved and invested. Our faith gives when we remember we are called to play a part. We give because God keeps prompting a grateful response and we decide to make a difference.
Moving Forward
Every year, our total budget is supplemented by various streams of revenue, including, but not limited to, the preschool’s share of payroll costs, the beneficiary income from the Morris Bequest, Mortgage to Ministry commitments to offset mortgage payments, and other designated receipts. All of these revenues are important sources for how we balance the budget. This year, we are including this information as part of our Stewardship Campaign in order to illustrate how your pledge impacts our total budget and how important it is.
As seen in the pie chart, other sources will provide about 19% of our total budget of $973,000 leaving a total of $788,000 to be covered by pledges. Meeting this pledge amount is the way that the new and essential ministries of John Knox continue. Please take time to consider how you can impact the work of God at John Knox through your giving.
October 27 is Dedication Sunday.
On this day, we will dedicate our pledges for 2025. What we pledge is inspired by an intimate awareness of and gratitude for God’s invitation to each one of us. Below is a downloadable prayer card. Consider praying this periodically during October as a means to connect us together, with God, and with the work of John Knox.
We know that the ministries of John Knox do not exist without you, and we celebrate your participation in this adventure with God together.
We Are Grateful for You!
Download Flyer
Download Prayer Card
Download Letter
Pledge to the 2025 Budget