A mind for mission.
A heart for service.
Mission is a huge part of who we are and what we do. As the physical hands and feet of God, we have the opportunity to spread the love of God and share the gifts we have been given. Mission is not about hand-outs or making ourselves feel like we’re “helping”, but about partnering, accompanying, and being transformed into people and a community that is after God’s own heart for others.
Food Ministries
Food is one of the basic necessities in life and not everyone has the consistent luxury of predictable meals. John Knox partners with, and offers, a variety of opportunities to get meals or groceries, no matter what is going on in one’s life or for how long. You are not alone.
Community Meals - Volunteers host a free hot meal once a month (fourth Tuesday of the month), now delivered to each car as they go through a drive through car line.
Food Pantry and Oxcart Pantry - We collect and distribute canned goods and non-perishable groceries to those in need around the North Olmsted area.
Cleveland Food Bank - one of our partners that helps facilitate our monthly meal ministry and food pantry
One does not have to travel far to see opportunities to share God’s gifts given to us. At John Knox, we seek to partner with those in the Cleveland area, coming together to seek the same goals of peace, unity, stewardships, and worship.
Building Hope in the City - programs include fostering faith leaders, community development, affordable housing, refugee and immigrant integration and social enterprise ventures to keep the hope of the gospel alive in our city.
Habitat for Humanity - local home construction work. The 2024 Faith Build was completed on December 21st and featured the hard work of several congregation members. Click here for a video!
Bridge Avenue School - a small, private Christian middle school where students with learning disables and/or mental health issues receive help from tutors
North Presbyterian Church - an outreach program with an inner city church that is serving the homeless
Bethany Presbyterian Church - volunteers meet at designated locations to travel together to prepare a meal, which is served at Bethany Church
John Knox Knitters and Quilters - a handmade blanket is lovingly made and delivered to those battling cancer or other serious illness
Angel Tree Project - a connection to local families in need and an opportunity for John Knox attendees to provide specific needs and wants.
CREDO - Oberlin’s music conservatory offers a faith-based program that sometimes finds expression at our church. Click here to find out more!
Procop House, Love Inc., Garden Valley Neighborhood House, and Metanoia - a series of services and “homes” around Cleveland to help those on the streets find a new beginning through opportunity and love
Refugee Services Collaborative of Greater Cleveland - “Coordinating and amplifying the efforts of refugee and international newcomer-serving organizations in Greater Cleveland”
Sometimes the opportunity to share God’s love draws us a bit farther from home. Whether it is in response to a crisis or disaster, or if it meeting another people group on their land, we, at John Knox know that there is plenty to go around.
Disaster Assistance - Mission teams are sent to locations within the United States and its territories in response to a disaster (e.g. tornado, hurricane, flood, etc.)
Spirit Lake Ministry - Once a year a small mission team travels to the North Dakota to work with the ministry there to the Spirit Lake Nation
JKPC Youth Mission - while more is said on the Youth Mission page, we cannot ignore the impact of these mission trips on the youth and the places they go.
Rise Against Hunger - a national organization with global impact, RAH organizes churches in preparing and packing easy-make meals for delivery to areas of the world facing extreme hunger
What is out of sight can sometimes be out of mind. However, God’s love extends to all the world and John Knox attempts to respond to this, meeting needs, partnering, and joining hands in service to others in different cultures, languages, and locations.
Tony Flauto Christian Academy - to promote Christian education for pre-school children whose families are among the poorest in Estelí, Nicaragua
Guatemala Medical Mission - volunteers work with a local community development organization to provide medical care and assist with Bible study and games for children
Living Water - to bring clean water to people where water supplies are polluted and unsafe
Cameroon (PC Ikiliwindi) and RELUFA - provide humanitarian support to the needy through partnerships with the Presbyterian Church, Ikiliwindi and Network for Fight Against Hunger in Yaounde, Cameroon.
Sometimes, those that are present in a particular place can more fully connect with the needs and minstries of that city or region. Here, relationships are formed by the continual presence that aid in bridging cultural gaps not as easily crossed by short-term mission trips. For this reason, John Knox supports a number of missionaries, their families, and mission organizations.
Nicaragua - Ariel Mendoza, Xochil and Martina Wilson
Cameroon - The Westrates, and Jeff Bamenjo
Guatemala - Vivian Douglas
Campus Crusade (Jesus Film Project) - The Bufkins
Liberia - Dougbe River School
South Africa - Helderberg Hospice
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” - Matthew 9:37
If you would like to know more about a particular mission or find a way to get involved, we would like to hear from you. Click the button above to send us an email and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.