I’m new. Now what?
We are so glad you are coming to see us!
Visiting new places can seem awkward at times, so here is what you can expect when you arrive.
Sunday morning
Parking is available on the north and south sides of the building. Or, feel free to park on either side as there are entrances by both parking areas. If you to park close to a door, there are handicap accessible parking spots on the north side of the building. Those needing to be dropped off closest to the Sanctuary should do so at the west doors (on the left side as you come in from Lorain).
We are a welcoming congregation, so you’ll see one of us near one of the doors you’ll enter before you are shown to our sanctuary. We use a digital check-in system and you are welcome to leave any (or no) contact information with us so we can get in touch. Once in the Sanctuary, you can choose where to sit amongst our pews and listen to music being played before the service starts.
During the service
Our worship service could be considered a traditional service with some contemporary elements, although how one describes it usually depends on one’s experience. We usually have a time to center for worship, a song or video, a sermon, and a song. Sunday worship usually lasts about 50 minutes.
Our service is a hybrid service that is streamed live online, so you will see a camera at the back. For the most part, it is just the pastors and those are speaking at the front that are on camera. If you want to avoid any possibility of having the back of your head on camera, we recommend sitting near the back on the left side. You can also stream us online on Sunday morning on this website, Facebook, or YouTube.
We have free childcare during the service in the Nursery for “littles” up through age three. Most Sundays we offer Sunday School for ages four through twelfth graders. Regardless of age, children are always welcome in worship.
If you’re visiting and trying to decide what to wear, be yourself. We have members that come in sweats while others arrive in suits; how you look is not important to us.
Most Sundays we have coffee hour after the service. This is a great time to meet people, find the friend you came to see, or just silently get a snack or cup of coffee before you leave. It is not unusual for us to have some sort of meeting or event after church so feel free to find a way to get involved.
During the week
Our office hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:30am - 3:30pm, Friday we close at noon. During the summer we are open 9-3pm on Monday through Thursday and closed on Friday. Our office is located at the back of the building (north side). Stop by and say hello, we’d love to meet you. During that time, one of the pastors is likely here to meet with you if needed.