November 2024

Pastor’s Note and Intro to Knox News:

There are times in our Tuesday staff meetings when our devotion is to share where we have seen God at work. In that experience it seems like something is unlocked and we’re invited to look back and recall with wonder how God showed up in our lives and so clearly in this congregation. 

It helps to do this in community because sometimes we forget. We get preoccupied, anxious, busy. We forget to be thankful, and we’re not the only ones.

Isaiah, Jeremiah and Hosea often speak about our need to remember God’s work in creation and redemption.

“You have forgotten the Lord, your maker who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth”

- Isaiah 51:13

“You have forgotten the God of your salvation, and have not remembered the Rock of your refuge” - Isaiah 17:10

“But my people have forgotten me, they burn offerings to a delusion; they have stumbled in their ways, in the ancient roads, and have gone into bypaths, not the highway”  - Jeremiah 18:15

When we forget to notice the work of God, we get off the main road and drift into side roads and alleys that don’t lead us where we want to go. We forget God and what God has done and get captivated by delusions. These delusions take up a lot of mental space and cause us to forget / neglect the work of God in our lives. 

So knowing our propensity to drift, we ask God for help, we listen for God’s guidance, we trust in God’s promises, and we move in faithfulness and thanksgiving.

I loved watching our congregation coming forward last week in worship to dedicate our pledges and our lives to God. It was an expression of gratitude and our desire to be together with God and join in all the good God is doing in us and around us.


“The world will never starve for want of wonders, but only for a want of wonder.”  - G.K. Chesterton


December 2024


October 2024