February 2025

To Equip the Saints

How many times have we ended up in situations we had not prepared for?

Once the shock subsides a little, we try to adapt, pivot, and use improve. But deep down we wish we had been more prepared. We may even wonder how to get up to speed and better equipped for the living of these days that seem to be full of surprises.

The Greek word for equipped is katartismom.

Katartismom means:

To equip a ship, to rig its sails so it will move through the water.

To outfit a military regimen with all that is necessary for battle.

To mend, repair, equip fishing nets so they can do what they are meant to do – catch fish again.

To reset a broken bone so a person can walk again.

But nothing is going to happen unless you want to be equipped and geared up for faithful living.

If you are ready, then this community of faith, by the Spirit’s power, will help you hoist the sail, acquire what is necessary for the great battles you face, work to mend and repair what has become frayed and tangled in your life and in our world, and tenderly care for what’s been broken so your feet can take you places with Good News of peace to share.

The Lord asked Isaiah, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” The prophet responded, “Here am I; send me!” (Isaiah 6:1-9). 

Let’s get equipped so we can offer the same reply and be about God’s holy and just work.



March 2025


January 2025