May 2023
Pastor’s Note and Intro to Knox News:
“God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and of love and of self-discipline.” (II Timothy 1:7)
Paul’s years are slipping away. From his prison cell he knows his time is limited. When that happens, you remember. You journey back through years that have gone by but are not gone.
Paul remembers the tears when he parted from Timothy. Maybe he doesn’t know if he will ever see his young friend again. Paul remembers Timothy’s honest and sincere faith. A faith handed down from Timothy’s grandmother, Lois, and mother, Eunice, and now Paul reminds Timothy, “I’m sure it lives in you.”
And finally, Paul remembers when Timothy started out in the ministry. He remembers people gathering around Timothy. He remembers the prayers, the anointing, and how he placed his hands upon Timothy to bless him and set him apart for this holy calling. He reminds Timothy of the ministry entrusted to him.
We will do the same on May 14 when we welcome confirmands as members of our church. We will do this in a few months when we ordain and install new officers. Some will do this after worship when we have healing prayer.
This is what we do as a community. We remember, we commission, we anoint, we bless one another forward on brave ventures and humble service. We mark one another as beloved children of God, gifted by the Spirit, entrusted to this community and sent in service and witness into the neighborhoods near and far.
If years seem to be slipping away, who do you need to encourage and bless forward in life?
If you are wondering of your place and call, let yourself be found by those who are welcoming others into service.
Step forward and gather input, release timidity, and let this community surround you with prayer and celebrate your giftedness.